How to break a lease in NYC
Typically in New York City, signing a lease can be a real cause for celebration: You found a place! You can’t get kicked out! But it also legally binds you to pay rent for its term, which means if you need to leave your apartment early, you can’t just walk away without taking a financial hit. Lease breaks have skyrocketed during the coronavirus pandemic and
New NYC rent laws require security deposits to be returned in 14 days and landlords are fuming
NYC landlords were stunned by the landmark changes to the rent laws earlier this year and one broad change is causing them major distress. While most of the
More NYC renters turn to guarantors to qualify for an apartment—or trade up to a larger one
It might seem counter intuitive: Even though rents have fallen in New York City, a greater number of renters are enlisting the help of a guarantor in order to

Rent Control & Pets
By Adam Frisch, Managing Principal, Mantus Real Estate NYC Under the recently passed rent regulations in New York and in many other places across the

International Tenants in New York City in the Post-Rent Regulation Age
By Adam Frisch, Managing Principal, Mantus Real Estate NYC In this newfound era of a heavily regulated housing market in New York City, international tenants

How Better Policies For The Homeless Can Boost Real Estate
By Adam Frisch, Managing Principal, Mantus Real Estate NYC Unfortunately, cities on both coasts are currently experiencing serious issues with homelessness. From New York City

Education & Rent Reform
By Adam Frisch, Managing Principal, Mantus Real Estate NYC The numerous cities and states throughout the United States that have enacted stringent rent reform over

More NYC renters turn to guarantors to qualify for an apartment—or trade up to a larger one
It might seem counter intuitive: Even though rents have fallen in New York City, a greater number of renters are enlisting the help of a guarantor in order to

New NYC rent laws require security deposits to be returned in 14 days and landlords are fuming
NYC landlords were stunned by the landmark changes to the rent laws earlier this year and one broad change is causing them major distress. While most of the

What happens if your lease is up during the coronavirus pandemic?
Now more than ever, renewing a lease on a New York City apartment is a fraught decision. Maybe you toughed it out during the shutdown, but

Landlords can’t ask for ‘last month’s rent’ plus security deposit, thanks to new rent laws
It is now illegal in New York state for landlords to require you to pay last month’s rent in addition to a month’s security deposit